Monday, 30 September 2013

BBC betray the public

After noticing that most mainstream news organisations decided to give little attention to this weekends protests, I was horrified to discover that the BBC decided not to cover the marches.

The protests had a crowd of at least 50,000 fighting against NHS cuts and in my opinion were definitely newsworthy. Whether intentionally or not, the BBC betrayed their responsibilities to the public by showing a total disregardment to the event or the proposed cuts that sparked the protests in the first place.

In fact, I believe that the BBC not covering the event was almost criminal, they rely on basically extorting money from taxpayers and a large amount of people use the organisation as their main news source.
Attempting to keep a large scale event regarding such an important issue as this discreet is certainly not what a major and supposedly run for the people, news organisation should be about.

A fair democracy relies on having informed voters, so by disregarding this issue I believe that the BBC showed they do not care about having a fair democratic society. As a government run and major news organisation this is very alarming.

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